XX. Judgement

Character : Draco MALFOY


In the traditional Tarot design the card depicts the Archangel Michael blowing the last trump at the resurrection of the dead - rising from the grave.

The card of judgment is easily misunderstood when we consider its name: judgment, particularly the Last judgment that is meant here, is primarily associated with punishment, a return of Karma - getting one's just deserts - having a clean state and paying off karmic debts. Certainly, there is a heralding sense of inevitable conclusions and inescapable consequences.

But the resurrection portrayed here could also mean liberation from oppression and the lease of new life with a fresh start. It shows the decisive step to becoming Oneself : the successful process of alchemical transformation from which something higher is created from a basic substance.

The final initiation is completed and the new infusion of knowledge and life gives the querent a certain ability that he did not have before.


As Lucius' son, he is fated to become a deatheater, but he may be tired of being his father's puppet. And I wish that he could think by himself and choose the right way. Redemption is possible yet.. and could be named Virginia Weasley... hehehe